शुभ दीपावली


दीपावली के शुभ अवसर पर…

होकर  विजयी  प्रभु  राम  हैं  लौटे,

के  दीवाली  का  त्यौहार  है  यहाँ, 

आतिशबाज़ी  की  चकाचौंध  तो  है,

पर  धुएँ  के  गुबार  हैं  यहाँ, 

फ़ेसबुक  दुआओं  से  सुसज्जित  है,

पर  परिजनों  का  तिरस्कार  है  यहाँ,

हर  द्वारे  दीपक  जगमग  हैं,

पर  सड़कों  पर  मरता  कुम्हार  है  यहाँ,

लक्ष्मी जी का पूजन है,

पर दहेज प्रथा की मार है यहाँ, 

के  देसी  घी  के  लड्डू  हैं,

पर  खाकर  इन्हें  बीमार  हैं  यहाँ,

पकवानों  से  फ़िज़ा  महकती  है,

पर  भूखों  की  कतार  हैं  यहाँ,

ख़ूब  सजे  हैं  चौक- चौबारे,

हर  जेब  में  लेकिन  उधार  है  यहाँ, 

दो  नावों  पर  सवार  हैं  सब,

और  जाने  गुम  पतवार  है  कहाँ,

के  हम  हैं, तुम  हो  और  दीपावली,

देखें  किस  करवट मझधार  है  यहाँ…


This post is written for Indispire Edition 90: We have been celebrating Diwali in the same age old manner for hundreds of years with crackers, oily sweets, heavy, unhealthy foods, gambling and what not. So it’s it time that we changed it? So if you were to rewrite the Diwali Celebrations #changingdiwali

7 thoughts on “शुभ दीपावली

  1. Reblogged this on doc2poet and commented:

    Ravan was the primary antagonist in the Epic Ramayana but he was not all about negativity. He was a great scholar and a worthy opponent of lord Ram himself. There is no denying that Ravan did some good things and Ram did bad things too making both of them grey rather than black and white. Of course, one greyer than the other but the point is that we can choose to see good in both of them. So, wouldn’t it be better if we plant the seeds of Ram in our lives rather than burning wooden Ravans. Burning effigies of Ravan may have been a custom, a symbolism but it is hardly anything more than a blob of smoke in present times. People barely know more about Ramayana than what was shown in the famous TV series. Yes, because we don’t read anymore, don’t question and that’s why we don’t know why things are being done like the way they are. So, it is more like an obligation than a celebration.
    Tumultuous milieu,
    Insouciant soul in saudade,
    Life lost its purpose…
    The world around us is changing, so should we. I hope we decide to plant a tree instead, in the name of lord Ram, to celebrate Dussehra. Because I feel creating something is much better than killing. It will be more constructive approach; at least a positive one and the Ram born inside us will eventually kill the Ravans inside us while making the city green and clean.
    I hope we can come up with greener ways to celebrate our festivals so we can keep the spirit alive, celebrate our rich cultural heritage and pass on this legacy to our kids with a positive message.
    We just went past Dussehra and Durga Puja and the fireworks of Diwali are just around the corner, here is a post from my archives portraying the changing face of festivals and the need to fix them. Hope you had a wonderful extended weekend studded with festivities and a happy and prosperous Diwali in advance. 
    Ravan was the primary antagonist in the Epic Ramayana but he was not all about negativity. He was a great scholar and a worthy opponent of lord Ram himself. There is no denying that Ravan did some good things and Ram did bad things too making both of them grey rather than black and white. Of course, one greyer than the other but the point is that we can choose to see good in both of them. So, wouldn’t it be better if we plant the seeds of Ram in our lives rather than burning wooden Ravans. Burning effigies of Ravan may have been a custom, a symbolism but it is hardly anything more than a blob of smoke in present times. People barely know more about Ramayana than what was shown in the famous TV series. Yes, because we don’t read anymore, don’t question and that’s why we don’t know why things are being done like the way they are. So, it is more like an obligation than a celebration.
    Tumultuous milieu,
    Insouciant soul in saudade,
    Life lost its purpose…
    The world around us is changing, so should we. I hope we decide to plant a tree instead, in the name of lord Ram, to celebrate Dussehra. Because I feel creating something is much better than killing. It will be more constructive approach; at least a positive one and the Ram born inside us will eventually kill the Ravans inside us while making the city green and clean.
    I hope we can come up with greener ways to celebrate our festivals so we can keep the spirit alive, celebrate our rich cultural heritage and pass on this legacy to our kids with a positive message.
    We just went past Dussehra and Durga Puja and the fireworks of Diwali are just around the corner, here is a post from my archives portraying the changing face of festivals and the need to fix them. Hope you had a wonderful extended weekend studded with festivities and a happy and prosperous Diwali in advance. 


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