A: Accept #BlogchatterA2Z

Coming to terms with the news of having diabetes is never easy. Like any other shock, the responses vary from denial, anger, bargaining and depression but the first step towards a healthy life even with diabetes always starts from accepting the reality and its implications. 

You cannot fight, what you don’t confront. 

Accept that you have diabetes and resolve to fight it with honesty and all your might. Many people ignore diabetes only to be hounded by it later in life and possibly with complications. 

जो मान लिया,वो ठान लिया ;

जो ठान लिया, वो मक़ाम लिया …||


Bonus Words

Active- Diabetes cannot be fought passively. You have to be an active patient to keep your diabetes under control. It simply means that you have to be involved in every aspect of diabetes management. You cannot just rely on some pills or magic potion and hope to get it over with.

Always- Even if your diabetes is controlled, you should remember that it is going to stay with you always. So keep monitoring yourself to keep it from coming back.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023

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