#CleanAirBeautifulHomes with Royale Atmos

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Air pollution; As I recall we learn about it as part of our primary education. If you remember those water cycle, solar system and types of pollution days. Air pollution isn’t new to us but does it happen indoors too. Didn’t know!

Pollution has been a hot topic over the news lately with a number of Indian cities making it to the WHO list of most polluted cities of the world. Surprisingly, Delhi isn’t the most polluted any more, according to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) urban air quality database released in 2016. In all, four Indian cities are among the world’s ten most polluted cities, 10 out of top 20 are also in India.

If you are already feeling lucky that your city is not on the list or because you mostly stay indoors in your home or office, you need to align some facts here.  The common notion is that burning bio-fuels for cooking is the most important cause of indoor pollution in developing countries like India. But using LPG cannot save us from this evil because urban locales have their own problems. Studies have confirmed that an average urban household may be more polluted that the outside.

So what are these indoor air pollutants?

Remnants of harmful gases, aerosols, chemicals, dust etc all contribute to air pollution inside our homes.

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Volatile organic compounds originate mainly from solvents and chemicals. The main indoor sources are perfumes, hair sprays, furniture polish, glues, air fresheners, wood preservatives, and many other products used in the house.

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Tobacco smoke generates a wide range of harmful chemicals known to cause cancer and it is hazardous for active as well as passive smokers. If you smoke indoors, your kids maybe at risk too.

Mosquito repellents; in the times of dengue and

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chikungunya I am yet to see a household which does not uses any mosquito repellent, be it coils, mats, liquid vaporizers or anything else. They add to the pollution too while protecting you from bites.

Biological pollutants include pollen from plants, mite, hair from pets, fungi, parasites, and some bacteria.

Formaldehyde is a gas that comes mainly from carpets, particle boards, and insulation foam.


Toxic gases like carbon monoxide circulating inside our vehicles air conditioning system. Yes, your car is polluted too.

Dust, moisture and pets are among the usual suspects too.

Why should we be scared?

Simply because they are bad and if you are allergic to something in particular then they may be even worse.

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The main health effect is the irritation of the eye, nose and throat. In more severe cases there may be headaches, nausea and loss of coordination. In the long term, some of the pollutants are suspected to damage to the liver and other parts of the body. Many of them are allergens and can cause asthma, hay fever, and other allergic diseases.

Why do they stay indoors?

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Well, simply because they don’t have a way out. Poor ventilation in cramped up buildings, and increasing use of synthetic products in construction and furnishings are the main culprits. Most localities lack basic infrastructure and cross ventilation is rarely seen because the homes are open on one side only.

These are the times when air purifiers are preferred over open gardens or porches. We need to change before our air does.

What can we do?

31db75c2-515f-4f90-bb4f-baae3c66e87f=> There’s no single right answer (because each one of us react differently to these pollutants and the conditions differ too). But some general guidelines may help us to find our own right answer.

=> Switch to natural or at least use limited number of synthetic products. Use them judiciously balancing safety and toxicity.

=> Let your home breathe to clear these pollutants out. De-clutter you home and open windows more often but don’t let the mosquitoes in.Daisies jpg

=> Use products that conform to strict international environmental and safety standards like the green assured Royale Atmos from Asian Paints.

How can Royale Atmos help?


Royale Atmos is a first of its kind paint that not only looks beautiful, but also cleans the air making it purer than before by  reducing harmful air pollutants like formaldehyde. Its Activated Carbon technology reduces harmful pollutants from the air. Additionally, Royale Atmos also absorbs and reduces select foul smells to make the air fresher. It is the first Asian Paints product to have a fragrance, instead of the normal chemical smell of paints. Thus, it also acts like an air freshener by releasing a mild fragrance weeks after painting. And it does so while it protects your walls against the toughest household and water based stains.

For more information visit here: https://www.asianpaints.com/atmos.

8 thoughts on “#CleanAirBeautifulHomes with Royale Atmos

  1. Smita Ray

    Reblogged this on Vistas and commented:
    Air pollution isn’t new to us but does it happen indoors too. Didn’t know!”
    Is it possible that your home is so polluted that you feel suffocating and no activity possible inside? Then it feels better outside to breathe in fresh air. A matter of a serious concern. Thanks doc2poet for this lovely article and bringing this issue to our awareness.

    Liked by 1 person

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